Parents cast your vote & help raise money for Elm Road!
Posted on April 15, 2016Parents, show your support for P-H-M’s elementary school leadership AND help raise money for Elm Road Elementary School!
At the P-H-M Education Foundation’s 20th Anniversary Gala on April 23, P-H-M principals will perform Vaudeville-style acts, competing against other P-H-M school teams.
All the acts will be unique and definitely entertaining, but only one team—the one with the most votes—will win the PHaMmy award!
Here’s how you can help raise money for our school:
- Votes cost $10 each and you can cast multiple votes between now and the evening of the Gala.
- 50% of what each team raises will go directly back to that team’s schools!
- The first 100 votes for each team will be matched dollar for dollar by Gary Fox of Crowe Horwath. (Mr. Fox is P-H-M Board of School Trustees President and an Education Foundation Board Member.)
You bet they do! Just watch the video.
►START VOTING TODAY & give TEAM FIVE a head start! Follow these easy steps:
- Click "Browse, Bid and Buy – View Items"
- Click "Register” to create a Gesture account
- Vote for TEAM FIVE (Auction Item #105)
Check here daily to see how the votes are coming in, and which team’s in the lead!
►WATCH LIVE STREAM OF THE GALA PERFORMANCES (Sat., April 23, 7:30 p.m.) on the Penn News Network—then vote again! Votes will be tallied and a winner announced at the end of the evening.
►PARTICIPATE IN THE SILENT AUCTION at the same “Browse, Bid and Buy” page where you cast your votes. Check out the many attractive items being offered, then stay on top of the bidding to get what you want and benefit the Foundation.
The P-H-M Education Foundation has many reasons to celebrate its 20 years of service to the P-H-M community. Since 1996, the Foundation has distributed more than $520,000 to our schools and classrooms via innovative teaching grants. The Foundation also uses proceeds to underwrite district activities with widespread impact such as “Running is Elementary” and the “Summer Visual Arts Academy.” Its mission: To support excellence in education.
A vote for TEAM FIVE is a vote for excellence in education!
Last Modified April 16, 2019