Video – Holiday Tunes with Mr. Marks, Mrs. Elliott, and Mr. Freel!

Penn students offering free eLearning Lessons to P-H-M Children, ages 1-10

During a normal school year, Penn High School students enrolled in Childhood Development classes would be offering two unique programs for preschoolers in our community, Playschool and Toddler Time.

However due to COVID suspending these programs for the time being, Penn Child Development teachers Mrs. Kylee Wetzel and Ms. Rachael Meyers have created lessons that children can do in their own homes. 

The Penn High School Early Childhood Education Classes are offering free eLearning lessons to children in the P-H-M community within the age ranges of 1-10 years old.

Children can participate at home with a caregiver, or during the school day via Google Meet with the Penn student facilitating the lesson.

Please fill out the Enrollment Form by Friday, Jan. 15 in order to participate.

Please contact Kylee Wetzel at for any further information.

Video – What We Are Thankful For!

Video – What did you learn during virtual learning?

We asked our teachers & staff “What did you learn how to use, or do, during virtual learning?” and got some GREAT responses! See the answers below!


The Indiana State Department of Health last updated the COVID-19 School Attendance Quick Reference Guide for parents and schools on December 4, 2020.

PLEASE NOTE: For families who are not able to isolate from everyone else at home, the start date of quarantine is determined by last date of exposure to a positive or untested person; this may be after the ill person completes their 10 days of isolation.

Click the image below to download and print.

Quick Reference Guide 12.4.20

This resource is also provided in the District Overview Return to Learn Fall 2020 document, under “Important Links at the end of the document. 

VIDEO – Elm Road Health & Safety Review

Return to Learn Options for Elm Road Families, starting Mon., Sept. 14

Monday, August 31 the P-H-M Board of School Trustees unanimously approved a “Return to Learn” plan to bring students back to the classroom in phases, for those families who want to return to in-person learning, starting in two weeks:

  • Mon., Sept. 14, In-Person Learning for Elementary grades, PreK – grade 3
  • Mon., Sept. 21, In-Person Learning for Elementary grades 4 & 5 
  • Mon., Sept. 21, Hybrid model, a blend of In-Person and Virtual, for Middle and High School students (grades 6-12) 
  • Parents at all grade levels will still have the choice to keep their students 100% Virtual if they so choose.

Parents are asked to complete the “Intent to Return Questionnaire” by this Friday, September 11. If you have students at other P-H-M schools, please complete a form for each student at each school. Please reference the emails from those principals shared Wed., Sept. 9 or the school’s website. If you have any questions, please call the school.

Click here to read the Principal’s newsletter that contains the following information:

School Board Approves Return to Learn Classroom options for Parents

Last night (Monday, August 31) the P-H-M Board of School Trustees unanimously approved a “Return to Learn” plan to bring students back to the classroom in phases, for those families who want to return to in-person learning, starting in two weeks: 

  • Sept. 14, In-Person Learning for Elementary grades, PreK – grade 3
  • Sept. 21, In-Person Learning for Elementary grades 4 & 5 
  • Sept. 21, Hybrid model, a blend of In-Person and Virtual, for Middle and High School students (grades 6-12) 
  • Parents at all grade levels will still have the choice to keep their students 100% Virtual if they so choose.

All students and staff will be required to wear a mask while at school.

Click to read P-H-M Superintendent Dr. Jerry Thacker’s full letter to parents that was emailed Tuesday, Sept. 1.

Below is a graphic of the detailed schedule with school day start and end times. You can click the image below to print it off.

VIDEO – We asked teachers, what is your favorite STEM activity?

Video – Teachers Share Their Favorite Moment

We asked our teachers to share their favorite moments from the first week of virtual learning, here is what they said!